Thursday, August 31, 2017

Digital Transformation-How to go about it?

Digital Transformation is the flavor of the season with all talk about bots replacing humans and the Internet of Things holding out great promise for transformation of all current practices. As companies embrace this buzzword or react to it, it needs to be realized that this is quite a major revamp of the entire setup and not just the introduction of newer technologies. The convergence of a whole lot of innovation and their continuous adoption and further innovation is delivering an environment where efficiency is maximized over all activities and processes.

What is the basic prerequisite for Digital Transformation?
It is the involvement and integration of every component of a business operation. For Digital Transformation to really achieve its potential, every part of an organization and its staff need to be connected to the transformation as too needs to be all operations and data. The interlinking of data to feed and refine decision-making processes translates into all data becoming crucial for every decision. Insights will be gleaned from across the organization and not any more from specific departments.

Who benefits the most?

It is ultimately the customers who are going to be struck by this new approach and delivery wherein the buying experience becomes elevated to rarefied heights. To create such an outcome, the tools and the ways and means that employees have at their disposal will be radically advanced thereby making employees work better.

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