Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Should your Startup be based on your passion?

Could it be based on anything else but your passion? It might be! But then, that would never have the potential to be a spark that lights up the standard commercial model and turns into a new wave. Yes! It is passion that leads to path-breaking innovation. When it is accompanied by hordes and hordes of hard work! What do we mean by hordes? It is the contribution of a team of people who sync into your passion and pitch in to turn the idea into commercial fruition. Therein lies the crux of entrepreneurship! Building a team that connects with your passion.
Startup Entrepreneur Team
A startup can be a garage-outfit at its inception but very soon it will need to make its move into the cool new office. This is the moment when an entrepreneur taking big risks has received financial backing and is moving on to stage two. At this point, it is passion that makes the concept fully flower into reality. Outfits that sustain their passion into their journey are the ones who make it to the crème -de-la-crème of technology and business. When your passion permeates the work place, it sets in motion a continuous storehouse of energy that keeps the team focused on transforming your passion into a business.
Love your business
How do you do it? It works out when you are having the drive to be totally in charge through every new learning and every new application of the learning. What triggers a successful venture is passion at the outset and passion all through. What does passion mean when you have a setup that is well to commercial operation. It needs a focus on visualizing the development curve of the outfit over the next 365 days and into the next 3650 days. When you have a vision for the long term in place, that is when your build capabilities are most effective. Love your business just as you love your family. Be aware that it is a labour of love and that each day is the greatest.
Prepare for failure
This is what is most important. Be ready for failure not as a bad event but as a fundamental part of the process. Setbacks and failures are inherent to business. Your passion must include the chutzpah to realize this. So, always be ready for failure and keep the basics of a way out ready. For this ability, it is essential to retain the thought that the idea always lives on. It can take one avatar that might stutter but it will come back to life in another avatar. The journey is always being improved and soon you have a tough-as-nails outfit that makes a flawless landing.
Passion to overcome pain
There comes a time when you would feel let down either by your financial backers or members of your team. The overall economy might have its own fits and starts. When you have put in the hard work to build brick by brick, you have a fully evolved and developed idea that stays on its feet and stands up tall to full success and acclaim.
Enjoy the journey
There is a great deal of learning, unlearning and brainstorming to be done to build up over the solid foundation that is made of your passion. Be ready for work, a whole lot of it, and enjoy every step of it. Never ever be totally assured of what is the best way. You will never know what is possible as long as you are sure. Always be unsure. But, keep that passion for your idea as your most assured capital. It is this capital that is in short supply and which gives rise to the most exciting companies that arrive on the scene each year.

What does SuccessFactors software do?

Employee Central
Employee Central takes Core HR activities as the foundation to build a resource pool that directs its unique abundance of information to wherever it is needed throughout the organization. With Employee Central, the organization has an engine for driving implementation of strategy, one that is running at full steam. Administrative processes and business processes related to HR are automated to achieve connectivity with all processes organization-wide and not just particular transactions. It enables the provisioning of services that employees need along with all the information they need to create an organization that is always fully engaged.
Stepping up to being a Strategic Asset
Employee Central rises up above operations and comes into the plane of strategy and its implementation. It guides Strategy with its overarching view percolating through localized issues. Core HR Data is used better with support delivered to the decisions made on revising strategy towards better business results. Core HR now becomes central to the business with support to all activities on an ongoing basis.
Vast metric streams deliver exceptional data strengths
With 2000 metrics for analyzing the workforce, an exceptional array of ways to measure the result of people-focused strategies is available with Employee Central. This is where strategy is defined and redefined. The organizational structure for implementing strategy is developed and is used to deliver support for all levels including at the level of individuals. The accent is on social-equivalent engagement.
Effective achievement of Compliance
Situated in the cloud, all regulatory issues are automatically updated. Thus, a seamless management and implementation of strategy is achieved. While the focus is global, local issues are always addressed and brought under comprehensive coverage of all business strategy.
To look at Employee Central in summary, it is a consumer-type model where the focus is on continuous engagement. The qualities that mark the organization are built up into all aspects of employee engagement while delivering information across the board to every part of the organization. Action begins here.
Recruiting Management
Recruiting Solution of Success Factors delivers a network to talent across the world. The ability to find talent within a budget is a prime functionality which is made possible with sourcing analytics. For candidates to discover a company’s career web page, the module performs Search Engine Optimization as one of its crucial capabilities. Companies can generate savings on this very challenging aspect. When a company is focused on keeping spending down, the Recruiting Solution serves out the analytics that makes it possible. The analytics include breakdowns on campaign and on source and on many other fronts.
Presenting the right image to prospective talent
With site design that is best-in-class, a career page is elevated to top-notch rating among candidates. Page design is designed to adapt and optimize for devices across all platforms and regions. The Recruiting module generates a work in progress with continuous identification of talent. This brings selection closer to finalization from the time a search is initiated. This feature brings down cost per hire to levels of major savings. Recruiting network spans 3000 locations across the world from academic environments to social networks. It works in 46 languages.
Making hiring a simple exercise
Every component of the hiring process from approval for recruitment is made possible without any of the bottlenecks that are commonly witnessed. Every step of the process is automated and candidate selection is data driven. After candidate ranking and selection, offer letters and acceptance letters are also generated by the system.
The system enables talent to be fully aware of what is going on during the course of the recruitment process and managers to be aware of positions that are taking time to fill and which consequently need to be focused upon.
Employee retention in the first year is related to the quality of onboarding. This crucial phase can lead to a company losing out on high-potential candidates if it is not optimized and performed to meet all guidelines. When candidates perform above expectations, it leads to expansion of revenue generation. Success Factors delivers an onboarding experience that is personal and automated. New employees are enabled to connect with other employees and mentors with ease in accordance with their timely need.
Auto Walk through procedure
All procedures are simplifies and candidates are enabled to go through all essentials without any guidance. As all stakeholders will be occupied with their respective responsibilities, the Onboarding module is designed to achieve productivity without much of effort from managers and HR. Introduction to other employees is made possible with a virtual functionality. All the required content that new hires need is delivered with a social network of all the essential experts within the organization.
From the perspective of the manager
Hiring Managers have a similar automated procedure to identify all they need to work with the new hire. HR can track all activities of new hires on one layout. All documentation that needs to be done is delivered by the system.
Creating a smooth landing
The manager can set up a number of goals for the new hire such as those that can be achieved in 30 days, 60 days etc.  Training is delivered in line with the role of the new hire leading to accurate delivery. The same processes are applied when an employee moves across the organization or is promoted. Essential knowledge is always delivered customized for the role.
SuccessFactors delivers a Compensation Solution that connects the investment that is being made to results in the form of effect on earnings. The Compensation solution is an integral part of the talent management strategy and also a part of the overall business objectives. Performance is focused upon which generates the right environment for employees to excel. This strategy of working on triggering employees to achieve makes the solution a part of the larger business growth strategy.
Moving from a process-focus to Model-able
The Compensation solution delivers a modeling capability that moves way ahead of automated capabilities. Bonus and incentives can be modeled over the long term to deduce the right fit for business strategy and competitive compensation. As business needs change, compensation plans can easily be reshaped to meet the proposed objectives.
Customization and Flexibility
Plans can be changed to meet different local conditions while bonuses can be crafted to meet particular business, team and individual requirements.
Adherence to rule book
Approval rules can be set up as are validation checks. Reports can be generated to check on the exactness of budget with compliance also being tracked through the reports. Process efficiency is another element that is monitored through reports.
Transparent presentation to employees
When employees are presented targets and rewards, the statements can be customized. They are always kept informed of the possibilities that can be achieved with specific targets. The focus is on goals which leads to a new compensation environment. Achievements are always translated into rewards as they have been specified upfront and are also done so through the year.
Employee Central Payroll
Employee Central Payroll is all about keeping cost down in an in-house solution and is a part of Employee Central solution. The process works in real time and is capable of monitoring policies on a continuous basis. This delivers a solution wherein a situation of trying to locate errors is totally eliminated. When an error is spotted, managers are alerted and the issue is transmitted down to administrators to resolve. Support to operations in 30 countries is delivered by the solution with further expansion afoot.
Unique design
Self-service is the key design concept of the Employee Central Payroll solution. As users do the processing, approval is done at another level. Adoption of the solution is achieved with rules, charts and inline comments.
Flexibility with other cloud services
While Employee Central Payroll is integrated with Employee Central, it can also be linked with other cloud services.